Saturday 6 May 2017

A CLIL Educational Digital Project: The Story Behind Artworks

Hello  Imagination Engineers!

Today I want to share with you my educational digital project prototype. Firstly, it is very important to make clear that this is a first approach to the project and it can be modified.

Secondly,  this educational project is related to are art and history. I consider that art helps humans to express their ideas and feelings freely. It includes poetry, music, dance, theatre, sculpture, architecture and painting, amongst others. All of them are functional in our lives. The cultures of the world are inextricably linked with art. Humans would not be what they are today without art.

The principle goal of education in schools should be to nurture and produce men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done. We need artists, innovators and inventors. In conclusion, people who are not afraid to take chances, break the rules and stray from the norm.

Art changes the way we view the world, it helps us to develop ourselves through creative thinking and visual literacy. We have to pay attention to what we see, hear, taste and touch.  We have to refine our sensory system and to cultivate our imagination ability.

Besides, I want to remark that art is feelings and emotions. Art makes it possible to express our feelings or ideas without limits. Having said that, I leave you a video explaining my educational project.  

A part of the video, I leave you a template of my digital prototype with futher information.


Let me conclude by saying, that with this prototype what I pretend it is to develop an engaging project that integrates tradicional arts with ICT and what is more important students can develop 21st Century Skills (critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativy). Learning about the past, for being  active, responsible citizens.

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