Thursday 25 May 2017

First super learning mission!

Hello Imagination Engineers! 

In this post I am going to turn a flat activity into a super learning mission. On this occasion, the activity chosen to be turned into a learning mission is the following: "Choose one of the equestrian sculptures of this unit. Read the information that appears in the unit and copy the important data about the statue." It is clear that this activity is not meaningful or active. Furthermore, the activity is not interesting, enjoyable or motivating. Moreover, the activity is not appropriately in terms of cognition because it is only focus on Low Other Thinking Skills (LOTS). In addition, there is not originality or creativity display. For all these reasons, it is necessary to modify the activity.

Author's own
Made with Canva

First of all, I have thought carefully how to transform it into a learning mission. Super learning missions have positive elements such as communication, HOTS, culture, scaffolding. Moreover, they are learner-centred, the teachers are available but unobtrusive when monitoring the students. Besides, I need to create opportunities for meaningful learning. So, the idea that comes to my mind is that the students will be artists who are in charge of the creation of a replica. But, as professional artists, first, they will have to search, on the Internet the main information about the equestrian statue in groups. After, the investigation they will create an infographic with the information. Once they are experts in the statue, they will reproduce it incorporating some variations. Because, it is necessary to include your personal mark in each work of art.

In these super learning mission the students will use the following tools: Google Documents, Google Goggles , Bloggler and Piktochart.

Now, I am going to explain step by step the instructions that the students have to follow to complete the super learning mission:

Imagination Artists de Elena Bermúdez
Then, the objectives that the students will achieve with this learning mission:

- To create an inphographic

- To increase their proficiency in the use of some applications and tools.

- To apply specific vocabulary to interpret and describe the different parts and features of equestrian sculptures.

- To value equestrian sculptures as a significant element for historic-artistic heritage.

- To produce quality output in both language and content, as a result of an active and cooperative learning process.

Here, you can also read the competences that will work:

- Digital Skills

- Learning to learn

- Communication Skills

- Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.

- Cultural awareness and expression.

Finally, let me show you the example for my students:

 Author's own
Made with Piktochart

On this occasion I have decided to collaborate with InfoEDUgrafías because like them I strongly believe in the potential of a good infhographic. I consider that infographics are extremely useful to understand complex information that would be hard to comprehend in a text. The powerful visual language of the infographic combined with its clearness make this artifact beneficial for our students. In this case with the creation of an infographic about an equestrian sculpture, children will learn about History and Art. In addition, as we share our work online other classmates and other people can learn many things about different statues in a few minutes.

Let me finish my post by reflecting on the knowledge that I have acquired as well as the process of learning.

I must say that I am really satisfied with the final result of this learning mission. I have never thought that I was capable of creating learning missions. It is true that I have done hard work in which I needed to plan everything carefully, fortunately, I can say that I am proud of the final result.

Regarding to the use of digital tools, I decided to use tools that can be useful for them in the future. I want to provide them with resources that give them autonomy such as Google Goggles. I am impressed of how just by scanning a picture or taking a picture you can find information about it online. This allows you to learn on your own. Also, I try to make them conscious of the different tools that they can use for free and they are really useful such as Google Documents and Piktochart. Based on my experience in this subject, I know that it is not necessary to spend a lot of time creating a good infographic, poster, diagram or mind map...

Finally, let me say that our students deserve more than activities which are base on reading and copying. I do not believe in learning by heart, I believe in learning by doing because it is the correct way to achieve core learning. We need to work together and share our materials because we can inspire others to follow our model at the same time as we learn from others who decided to do it before.

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