Tuesday 23 May 2017

Partner search

Hello Imagination Engineers! 

In this post I  keep on my Open Educational Digital Project. On this occasion I am searching for a partner that lets me join his/her collaborative movement. I will persuade her/him using an  enterprise technique, the Elevator Pitch. Although, it is usually used in the business world, I will apply it with educational purposes to find a new partner that helps me to enrich my project. But, what are the main characteristics of a good Elevator Pitch? It must be a short description of your idea and it has to be explained, convincingly, in twenty seconds.

 Retrieved from: Pixibay

Firstly, it is very important to reflect about which collaborative movement you want to be part of. In my case, I would like to be part of infoEDUgrafías. This project is creating an infographic resource bank with the different contributions from pupils of all educative stages. In this way, everybody can learn from others works.  I consider that I can enhance my project giving my student the possibility to choose between creating a comic or an infographic in the first superlearning mission because there are several learning styles in a class and we must try to personalize education. Thus, they can explain the story behind that piece of art in they way they feel more comfortable. Besides, as infoEDUgrafías, I strongly believe in the potential of a good infhographic. I consider that infographics are extremely useful to understand complex information that it would be hard to comprehend in a text. The powerful visual language of the infographic combined with its clearness make this artifact beneficial for our students. 

Hereafter, I will share my elevator pitch with you. As I mentioned, the main goal of it is to engage the people who run the collaborative project. 

The steps that I have followed to create the Elevator Pitch are:

1st  I created a blank document in Google Drive and I wrote my draft.
2nd I rehearsed several times
3rd  I recorded the video with Photo Booth.
4th  I have edited with iMovie
5th  I have uploaded to YouTube .
6th  I have embedded in this entry.

I decided to use Google Drive because it will be automatically save online. So, if you have Internet connection, you can work on it on in any device. Photo Booth and iMovie are integrated in my Apple laptop and they are free, intuitive and simple to use. The final result is attractive and the quality of the sound and the video is quite good. I strongly recommend you to use it instead of Movie Maker does not offer the same quality in the final result and it has limited possibilities when you want to edit a video. Focus on the previous step for doing the recording of the Elevator Pitch, I let you the draft of my short speech, below. I have modified it several times in order to make it more engaging and precise.  


Before finishing the post, I would like to reflect on the learning that I have acquired thanks to this challenge. First of all, I have discovered many interesting collaborative movements that are working extremely hard to improve the quality of education. Some of them as The 30 Goals Challenge, The Twima Project or infoEDUgrafías are not only promoting the exchange of resources or the collaboration between professional of the education sector, they are also pointing out the importance of being brave and trying to innovate. Education can be improved and the drivers of the change are these people who want to contribute by doing new things. They really inspire me because I can see that there are a lot of different ways to make innovation happen. Now, I want to be part of infoEDUgrafías, this is my first contribution to enhance education. Probably, it seems insignificant, but it is a little step for a better education and what it is really important is that everybody makes an effort to contribute to doing it. Secondly, I have learnt how to search for partners on the Internet and how to create an accurate Elevator Speech. This artifact is strongly powerful because just in a few seconds you can catch the attention of the audience and explain the main idea what you want to do. It is a clear example that quality is better that quantity. Finally, I just want to remember that you can find infoEDUgráfias on Twitter, Blogger and Pinterest

      Retrieved from: infoEDUgrafías



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