Wednesday 17 May 2017

Turning my Open Educational Project into a collaborative one

Hello  Imagination Engineers! 
Today I want to share my visual metaphor of my Open Educational Digital Project with you. As you know in my last post I showed you the design of my prototype and now I created a flyer that shows how my project is going to turn into a collaborative one.  Firstly, it is very important to reflect about why we should incorporate collaborative learning in our class.

I invite you to think of an activity that you really like. Would it be more fun it that activity involves other people? On the other hand, think of activity that you dislike. It will  probably be more pleasant if you do it with people. Students really enjoy working together because it is motivating. Furthermore, it offers the opportunity to get to know each other and provides huge possibilities for learning. So, Why not turn my project into a collaborative one? 

I started to read about different possibilities to turn my project into a collaborative one and I would like to say that my Open Educational Digital Project has suffered some changes in order to make it more collaborative.
Collaboration within the classroom
Cooperative learning will be the fundamental pillar of the project. Students will have to work in groups to carry out the different challenges. For example, the final super learning mission will consist of creating an interactive map in which they have to locate different equestrian sculptures, including a brief description of its features and a picture. Each group will have to do a different statue, in this way they will become experts on this statue. In addition, they can learn about other works of arts because the map will also include the work of the other groups. 

Collaboration out of the classroom

The final super mission which has been mentioned before, will be shared with the real world due to blogger technology. Moreover, the interactive map will be connected with other classes from other schools. Each school will work on the equestrian sculptures of a continent. In this way, the final result will be enriched thanks to the contributions of other learners. Finally, it would be great if I can join a collaborative movement on the net. I have been having a look and I decided to try and collaborate with The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers. You will know more about in my next post. 

Here I leave you my visual metaphor. For creating it, I have used a digital tool called Canva. This is a simple graphic design software, but it allows us to create powerful aesthetic flyers, posters and online presentations. It offers a huge variety of templates for free.
Let me conclude this entry, saying that with this task I have learnt that the use of collaborative learning improves relationship between students, giving all your pupils a more trusting and supportive atmosphere. Collaborative learning promotes a positive attitude to your teaching. There is not doubt that it is an essential feature that has to be included in modern teaching because it has plenty of advantages as I have mentioned before.

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