Monday 24 April 2017

Let's analyze an educational project!

Hello Imagination Engineers!

In this post I am going to analyze an open educational project from Proyecto EDIA (Educativo Digital Innovador Abierto). In this webpage, you can find several open educational projects for primary education, secondary education and vocational training. All of thhave been created by INTEF (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado).

I have decided to analyze "A Cookbook".  It is an English project for the first year of secondary education in which the students have to create a cookbook with recipes from different countries. The project is divided in six missions in which the students have to work individually, in pairs and in small groups. The main objective of this project is to create meaningful learning in the classroom. 

In order to analyze the project,  I will use a checklist which was given by my ICT teacher. Let's get started!


The main objective of the project is to create a cookbook with traditional recipes. In each mission children are going to acquire new vocabulary and grammatical structures that are going to help them to write their own recipes.  

On the other hand, through the different missions and the final challenge students develop English and ICT skills at the same time as the pupils have a ball. During the different missions the students are going to work in pairs and small groups, in that way they can learn from each other at the same time they learn how to work with different people. However, the final challenge is individual. It is the moment when they have to demonstrate all they have learnt during the process and put it into practice. This activity activates their critical thinking and problem solving skills.


As I mentioned before, the project is based on a meaningful problem to solve. It will be overcome once they finish the final challenge  (create a traditional recipe). Although, it seems difficult, the students can do it perfectly because the previous activities are going to give them all the necessary tools. The difficulty of the tasks are gradually increased and the previous activity makes them be ready for the next one.


During the hole project the learning is active and experimental. The project is student-centred and the teacher is just a guide in the process that proportionates the basic information and the necessary tools to do the different task. Furthermore, the activities are communicate and it allow an open debate and reflection inside and outside the classroom through the learning diaries where they have to think about their learning process and what they want to learn.

The learning is natural and contextualized as part of a real event. In addition, it is interesting, enjoyable and motivating. From my point of view, "A Cookbook" is an original project that can be carried out in different levels if we adapt the activities. It also requires the use of digital resources and applications such as Canva , Picktochart, WeVideo among others. In that way, it promotes innovation and creativity. They are really valuable skills in the 21st century. 

Retrieved from:


The lesson is learner-centred. The teachers act as a facilitator, but the learners are occupied in meaningful tasks. Teachers are available but unobtrucsive when monitoring individual, pair or group work tasks. Instructions are clear and they can learn in a relaxed and warm atmosphere where they can choose how to approach each task.


At the end of each mission the pupils have to write an entry in their learning diaries. In this post, they have to reflect about their learning. I think that it is really useful because the teacher can know how their students feel and the difficulties that they have had in each mission. Furthermore, the students work metacognition. It is essential to be conscious about your own learning.

Retrieved from:

They have got the possibility to evaluate their own work and their classmates' work. They are receiving feedback constantly by their classmates and the teacher. Each mission has a rubric to help them to evaluate their work and others' work. Besides, the student has the possibility to self-evaluate his/her own final project with a rubric.

   Retrieved from:

 The recipe book is the public product that the students have created. The cookbook is online, in that way, they can show other people what they are able to do if they have enough and appropriate scaffolding.


I want to share my personal reflections about the project. I have found positive elements such as communication, HOTS, culture, scaffolding. Also, I have noticed that the tasks create opportunities for meaningful learning. Another aspect, that I consider really important is that all the tasks are learner-centred. The teacher acts as a facilitator, in this way, the students are the centre of the teaching-learning process.

Focus on the planning and preparation, the aims, activities and tasks are relevant and appropiate. There is a logical pogression of activities. The tasks are clear and detailed. Thanks to this, I am sure that the final outcome of the project is very successful and meainungful learning has taken place.

Lastly, I recommend you to visit the project, although you are not interested in the topic, you can learn how to structure a project or how to scaffolld it.

Here you can see my presentation about the anaylisis of the educational project. In this case, I decided to use Emaze. It is an online tool that allows you to create presentations.

Powered by emaze


This challenge is a great opportunity to start learning more about open educational projects. I have read the whole project several times and I have paid attention to every little detail in order to be able to identify all their features. Then, I used the checklist that I mentioned at the beginning of the entry. It was really useful because It helped me to analyze every point that a good project must accomplish.

As  teachers, we need to have a look at others’ work. Every teacher has a unique style, but,  good teachers have something in common, they  clearly think that the most important thing is the student and their education. They do not believe in selling their materials, they believe in sharing. EDIA  project is clear example of it. A bunch of teachers that work together to enrich the learning experience of the students. In my next challenge, I am going to apply everything that I have learnt with the analysis, in order to create a good educational project.

To finish, I enjoyed using  Emaze again. It is a really useful online tool that enables you to create attractive presentations. I recommend to use it, because it is very intuitive and the final result is visually attractive.

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